Texas Fertility Center Cedar Park

Infertility Diagnosis

The right infertility diagnosis is the key to overcome fertility struggles

Sometimes, infertility causes bumps on the path to parenthood. Thankfully, an infertility diagnosis can bring you one step closer to the best fertility treatment to help you bring home a healthy baby. Texas Fertility Center has been making dreams of parenthood come true since 1980, and our Cedar Park fertility center brings this legacy to hopeful parents in this area.

When you make an appointment at our clinic, you’ll start your journey with Madeline Kaye MD. She will order fertility tests to help diagnose infertility before developing your treatment plan to help you start or grow your family.

Getting an accurate infertility diagnosis is critical

The team at our Cedar Park fertility center knows how upsetting and frustrating it can be to see one negative pregnancy test after another. We also know that it can be overwhelming to begin the process to diagnose infertility. As a result, Dr. Kaye and her team carefully explain everything you can expect from the diagnostic process. They also welcome all of your questions at every step.

Each patient is different, but you can generally expect to have one or more of the following tests to get an infertility diagnosis.

Fertility bloodwork provides valuable information about your levels of reproductive hormones. For women, we typically test hormones like anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). These hormones can tell us more about your ovarian reserve (egg supply). For men, we may test testosterone and other hormones.

Preconception genetic testing can help us determine whether you or your partner carry any inheritable genetic conditions that you could pass to your children. If you and your partner both carry the same condition, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) can help you have a healthy baby.

Transvaginal ultrasound allows us to view a woman’s uterus and see whether any abnormalities are present. It also lets us see her ovaries and take an antral follicle count, which can tell us more about ovarian reserve.

Semen analysis provides vital information about a man’s sperm count as well as his sperm motility (movement) and morphology (shape).

Taking the next step after receiving the test results

Dr. Kaye and our Cedar Park fertility center team will review your test results to reach an accurate infertility diagnosis. From there, you will work together to develop your customized treatment plan.

Depending on your unique needs, this plan may involve a basic treatment like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or a more advanced option like in vitro fertilization (IVF). Our team’s primary goal is to help you conceive and welcome a baby using treatments that work with your goals and budget. Contact us to learn more and get started.